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The Website of PMH AtwaterOne of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!

One of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!

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An international authority on near-death states, Dr. PMH Atwater, L.H.D. uses the culmination of her research to establish that the near-death phenomenon is not some kind of anomaly, but is rather part of the larger genre of transformations of consciousness. She combines her 38 years of near-death research with what she was doing in the 60s and 70s, experiencing, experimenting with, and researching altered states of consciousness, mysticism, psychic phenomena, and the transformational process, to reveal what transformations of consciousness really are, why we have them, and where they lead us. This lifetime endeavor covers over 43 years of work, involving nearly 7,000 people. Her meticulous and unique protocol gives validity to what she has discovered, and verified, about the percentage worldwide of people who have undergone near-death experiences.


Virginia Beach

Dr. PMH Atwater, L.H.D.
to our next meeting on
Saturday, April 4, 2020 10 a.m. - 12 noon
at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. 67th and Atlantic, Virginia Beach

New Video on The Unusual Pattern
of Walter Russell's Near-Death Experiences
now on YouTube!



All cover

Did having an NDE at a young age
make any difference in your life
…or in the life of someone you love

by P. M. H. Atwater, L.H.D.

Available Wherever Books are Sold!

From the Articles Section:

April 2020

First Grade and Pearl Harbor

March 2020


September 2019

NDEs in Childhood --Not What You Think

By PMH Atwater

A Tribute to Kenneth Ring
for All He's Done for So Many

A continuing story of two intermixed lives.

Now Available Direct !

The Forever Angels
Near-Death Experiences in Childhood and Their Lifelong Impact

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The Forever Angels (price includes Shipping & Handling)

Please select from the above pulldown PayPal menu
for delivery outside the United States!

A groundbreaking study of the lifelong effects of near-death experiences in the newly born, babies, toddlers, and children up to age five

• Draws on interviews with nearly 400 childhood experiencers, both fully matured and young, as well as more than 40 years of NDE research involving over 5,000 people

• Reveals how those who experience a near-death state at a young age are profoundly affected for the rest of their lives, including developing psychic and intuitive abilities, “wisdom beyond their years,” and a pervasive feeling of being “homesick for heaven”

• Investigates the wide-awake consciousness of babies being born, womb memories, and the experience of being alive on the other side of death

In this major study of near-death experiences with the newly born, babies, toddlers, and children up to age five, NDE expert P. M. H. Atwater reveals how those who experience a near-death state or other worlds at a very young age are profoundly affected for the rest of their lives, including developing psychic and intuitive abilities, higher intelligence and “wisdom beyond their years,” and a pervasive feeling of being “homesick for heaven.”

Drawing on interviews with nearly 400 childhood experiencers, both fully matured and young, Atwater explores their accounts of what it is like to be alive on the other side of death as well as what makes them different from others, complemented by a deep analysis of statistical evidence from her more than 40 years of NDE research involving more than 5,000 people. She shows how, in contrast to adult experiencers, child and infant experiencers of near-death states cannot compare “before” with “after” as adults do, because they don’t have a “before.” The world of these “forever angels” is the life continuum, a stream of consciousness that has always existed and always will. Integrating “where they once were” with “where they now are” is a lifelong challenge. The author explores how those who have a near-death experience very early in life, or even in utero, grow up “different”--sometimes geniuses, sometimes lost, yet unusually psychic and smart, all at the same time. She reveals how these experiences and their knowledge of the afterlife affect the individual in many areas, including family life, dating, health, education, and spirituality, as well as increasing the experiencer’s potential for thoughts of suicide, out-of-body experiences, and PTSD symptoms.

Examining the forever angels’ memories of the womb, birth, early childhood, and the other world, Atwater investigates the wide-awake consciousness of babies being born, the vivid recall of mature childhood near-death experiencers, and how memory of the life-continuum never fades, nor does the desire to go back.


in the Body~Mind~Spirit Practices Category


"We are deeply glad to welcome Dr. PMH Atwater to the honored and respected group of Nautilus Book Award Winners. She can be justly proud of her book’s selection as an Award Winner of the 2017 Nautilus season, which brought a record number of entries and a magnificent diversity of high-quality books. She has written a book that carries a powerful message!

Celebrating the worldwide release of her latest book,


PMH Atwater is making available for the first time on YouTube for free

three of her most popular talks filmed before live audiences:

Study on
Near-Death Survivor and Investigator P.M.H. Atwater

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Judith Pennington conducted a Mind Mirror study on the brainwaves of near-death experiencer and author P.M.H. Atwater on May 15, 2016, in Virginia Beach, Virginia (U.S.A.)

Read an article about her three NDEs and superconscious brainwave patterns. See a chart comparing NDEs to spiritual transformations. Learn what she learned from 4,000 interviews with people who died and came back to life.


Read this important new article on
Patterns of Change” (word doc) or (PDF) by PMH Atwater!

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Free Video-On-Demand

PMH Atwater's


courtesy of IANDS and


A new article by P.M.H. ATWATER

Proof of God in the Near-Death Experience

Appearing in the MARCH 1, 2015 edition of:

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What has been missing from my work, from everyone else's work, from personal stories, from those who interpret personal stories, from experts in religion and spirituality, from the news media, the scientists, the grief-stricken, and the born again . . . is the voice of the collective . . . inside what we all seek to describe. What lies at the heart of near-death experiences? A God that in ways beyond description, smiles at you. Not the God of holy writ, but a Sourceplace--an all-encompassing Oneness, Allness, that, as It breathes, moves skin and bark and wings and stars and babes and rivers and comets and dreams and faces . . . as well as the mustard on your hotdog. The book you have before you releases that collective voice, the sum of millions of people--worldwide--who speak as one. It is nothing less than the proof that everyone on planet Earth, in their own heart, seeks to have: that God exists.

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t the very time that this new, revised edition was being released in January 2013, an announcement was made of a scientific study that verified the premise of future memory. Unbeknownst to the author, that scientific study was originally inspired by an earlier edition of her book, “Future Memory.”

PMH Atwater's groundbreaking contributions continued with Near-Death Experiences: The Rest of The Story, examining the phenomena of:
  • Group experiences
  • “Heaven” and “Hell”
  • "Light" encounters
  • Aftereffects including unusual or amplified sensitivities
  • Spiritual transformations and societal implications
Basing her findings on extensive first person interviews as well as scientific studies of the deeper structures of the brain, Near-Death Experiences: The Rest of The Story is a rational examination of an experience that defies ordinary reason – the first book to tackle this difficult and controversial subject from both the scientific and spiritual perspectives.
NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES: the rest of the story
Still available is PMH Atwater's most controversial book to date that dares to reveal "the rest of the story" about near-death experiences. Uncovering what really happens to children and adults who undergo this phenomenon, Near-Death Experiences: The Rest of The Story combines extensive, objective research with first-person "survivor" accounts, as well as well as an exploration of "brain shift/spirit shift."

One of the top ten picks of 2011 by Publishers Weekly!

Order directly from the author!

Also available on Amazon.com, wherever books are sold or through —

RedWheel Hampton Roads Logo Red Wheel/Weiser/Conari/Hampton Roads
at (800) 423-7087
orders@redwheelweiser.com, www.redwheelweiser.com

The past 30 years have seen a quantum leap in the intuitive, creative, and abstract- thinking abilities of children as well as an unprecedented rise in incidences of ADHD, dyslexia, and autism spectrum disorders. As PMH Atwater explains, we are witnessing evolution at work. The changes in consciousness and brain function evident in these “new kids” signal the widespread emergence of the Fifth Root Race and, fortuitously, coincide with our transition into the Fifth World.
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Neale Donald Walsch
hugging PMH >> 

Both shared stories at the
A.R.E. Conference on the Afterlife, May 13-15 at Virginia Beach, VA.

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Watch the tv event where many first heard of the near-death experience and PMH's first book "Coming Back to Life" in an interview on "Geraldo" in 1988.

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PMH Atwater, Nita Moorjani, Eben Alexander, MD, and Mary Neal, MD
at the 2013 IANDS Conference.