Holistic/Spiritual Healer

180 Nickerson, Suite 103
Seattle, WA 98109
(206) 284-6900
E-mail - JwHawkes@aol.com
Website - http://www.joycehawkes.com
Joyce W. Hawkes, Ph.D.
Here's the facts about Joyce. As a respected and productive biophysicist for over 15 years, she received her Ph.D. in 1971. Her professional life as a scientist included a Postdoctoral Fellow with National Institutes of Health. She published 50 scientific papers and was elected a Fellow in the American Association for the Advancement of Science, for her scientific contributions in the field of ultra high-speed laser effects on cells.
Then she had a near-death experience. After that, like most of us, she changed careers and embarked on an extensive exploration of spiritual and healing traditions. Rounding out her training in Western theology, she completed a Masters in Pastoral Ministry from Seattle University and served as an intern and later a Ministry Associate at an American Baptist Church. She then spent nearly three months living in the Philippines, working with a native healer, as she continued to reach out and study additional Southeast Asian healing traditions. A month's stay in South India, six trips to Bali working intensely with two native Hindu priests/shamans, immersed her in Eastern philosophy and practice.
In 1990 Joyce published a small volume of poetry, "Stirring the Waters," and has papers in the 19th and 20th Proceedings of the International Society for the Study of Shamanism and Alternative Healing. She went on to lecture extensively on healing, made many television and radio appearances, while managing her private practice at her office in Seattle and from her retreat center at the edge of Mt. Baker in Northern Washington State. And she still is as busy as ever doing even more, and loving it.
Now, let me say a little more about Joyce, the woman and Joyce the healer. Joyce is one of those special people who, without trying to, catches your attention. It's her energy and that sparkle in her eyes, that lift in her step. You'd never know she is as busy as she is, for she is calm, steady, and receptive; easy to talk to. She, like the other healers presented in The Marketplace, can facilitate healing at a distance. You don't have to go to their offices. You can contact her, like the rest of them, by phone or e-mail to arrange a healing session.
I contacted her for help so that I could do the Lou Gentile Radio Show (as a guest) without any difficulty. That show ran from 1 to 5 am, which is a real challenge for me since I am a morning person. I don't take naps, doesn't work, yet the afternoon before the show with Joyce assisting me from her office in Seattle, I was able to sleep like a baby. I did the show, went back to bed late morning. . . and never had any residue, no aftereffects that day or afterward, from staying up all night. I could feel her working on me, setting up the situation, and she did a great job. After a session (in my case a day later), she asks that you call back and check-in, give some feedback. When you contact her the first time, ask about fees and any requirements on your part.
You know, of course, that no guarantees can be made for holistic/spiritual healing sessions with anyone. The healer does his or her best, but you are also an active participant. It is up to you to prepare yourself, be in that right mind space that is receptive, affirming and knowing that you are Divinely protected, loved, and cherished, and open to making whatever changes in your life that would help with your healing.