Reiki Peace Network®

Reiki Peace Network ®, Inc.
P. O. Box 754217
Forest Hills, NY 11375
Phone: (718) 441-2132
Reiki Peace Network®
Reiki University™
Reiki Magazine©
Ellen Louise Kahne is a certified Reiki Master/Teacher, founder of the Reiki Peace Network® and Reiki University™. She is also publisher of Reiki Magazine© and the unique manuals for teaching +Plus Point of Focus© Reiki healing methods. She has enjoyed an active U.S. and international reputation for many years, teaching subtle energy healing workshop intensives using a loving, focused, intuitive, and grounded manner. Her workshops include all levels of Reiki healing, including Children's Reiki, Teacher Preparation Intensives and Degree/Cerification for Reiki Master teachers, Karuna +Plus Point of Focus Master Healer Level for Reiki Masters. Her workshops have been accepted for CEU certification through a number of universities and holistic nursing programs.
Ellen's individual healing sessions incorporate hands-on and distant vibrational healing, vocal and instrumental sound healing, meditation, breath, Feng Shui Reiki©, and visualization techniques to meet both the unspoken and underlying needs of students and clients. She is an accomplished poet and peace activist who is ever ready to challenge legislators or governmental agencies who may seek to overturn or weaken laws allowing valid and proven altenative healing methods. Ellen's dedication to helping others is described in my free mini-book, The Challenge of September 11, as she is the one who organized and produced "Day of Healing for All" - an event where rescue workers and their families could come to the Cross Island YMCA and receive healing sessions without charge from some of the area's finest healers. It was her way of saying "thank you" to the heros of September 11.
I do not know what Ellen charges for her services, but I do know how effective she is in facilitating the power of healing energy to help those in need. I have been the beneficiary of her compassion numerous times, and can personally attest to how good she is at whatever she does. Should you be interested in a local or distant-healing session with her, or could actually attend Reiki University, do not hesitate to call and make arrangements.