Healing Oils
In the MarketplaceProducts

This photo was taken a
while ago off the coast
of Connecticut.
Elizabeth Lynn is one of the
near-death experiencers
mentioned in Atwater's
book, Beyond the Light.
A formula from Edgar Cayce
Back in the sixties when I first heard of Edgar Cayce, "the Sleeping Prophet," and joined a Study Group dedicated to "the work" of learning more about spirituality, I noted a particular formula that came through Cayce about how to prepare your own healing oils. Immediately I made it and used it. And I've been using the mixture once a week ever since. Let me give you the formula, at least what I remember of what I was taught, and then I'll talk more about it.
- The Formula for Preparing Your Own Healing Oils (as Gleaned from the Readings of Edgar Cayce, One of the Most Documented Psychics in History and Considered the "Father" of Holistic Health Care).
- Pour oils in a clean glass bottle. Mine is an old "Rinse-Away" bottle of about 8 or 9 oz. size. It does not matter what glass bottle you use, but you would be wise to keep the size small enough to be easily held by one hand. Avoid plastics.
- You use three oils: cold-pressed peanut and castor oil, and liquid lanolin. I get mine from Baar Products (refer to their section in The Marketplace).
- Pour the same amount of castor oil and peanut oil into the bottle, and that amount is not-quite half full. Doing this with both oils almost fills the bottle. I "eye-ball" it rather than using a measuring cup. Do what works for you.
- Pour in a full teaspoon of liquid lanolin (mine comes from Baar Products--you used to be able to buy this in any Pharmacy, but no more).
- Hopefully, you have a small space of air left so, once you have affixed the cap, you can vigorously shake the bottle and mix the three oils. There you have it, your own healing oils, ready for use.
For those who like this combination of oils and can use it without difficulty, I think you will be in for a great treat. Yes, this mixture of healing oils is rather heavy - yet in all the years I have used it, none of my clothes have ever been stained or soiled by it nor has it caused any problem in wearing nylon stockings. As I said before, I use this mixture once a week on both legs after I shave, and on my breasts, and forearms. When I first started using this mixture, back in the sixties, I had large protruding varicose veins on both legs and upper feet and had been told by a physician that eventually I would have to have my veins "stripped." Six months later the varicose veins began to recede; within a year they were skin-level, including a "knot" of vessels that stuck up from my left ankle. Although some of my blood vessels still protrude a little, they are nothing like they used to be. The doctor was amazed at the difference the oils made. So was I. I don't know if this will happen to you, but it is just a sample of the benefits I have received. By the way, the mixture is wonderful for massage, even for the sexual massages partners give each other - I like it much better than the so-called "specials" made to arouse your libido.
I have been told by numerous "experts" with healing oils, that this mixture should be stored in the refrigerator at all times, lest it become rancid. I guess that depends on where you live. The only time this happened to me was while I was in Florida on an extended speaking tour. I regularly store my bottle in my bathroom medicine cabinet; when I travel, it's in my travel bag. I have experienced no problem with this type of storage in over three decades of using these oils.
Well, folks, there you have it. For hardly pennies, you can treat yourself to healing oils that, for most people, really work.
Oh, by the way, should you want to know more about Edgar Cayce, his legacy, and the organization that grew from his work, contact: Association For Research And Enlightenment (A.R.E.), 215 - 67th Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061; 1-800-333-4499; website is http://www.are-cayce.com.
Study Groups of this material (commonly called "Search for God" Study Groups) are worldwide. Ask about a Study Group near you, or how to start one should you be interested in doing so.
ADDITIONAL TIPS When massaging your legs with the Healing Oils mixture, massage in circular strokes as much as you can, or at least in curving ones. A tip on massage (anywhere on a person's body) - massage toward the heart to invigorate and enliven; massage away from the heart to slow down and calm. With my legs, I always massage upwards or towards my heart for the stimulation and upliftment it gives my legs.
One of the oils, cold-pressed peanut oil, is my hand-lotion. The only time I use anything else is in the winter where I also apply Neutrogena Hand Cream. I have always lived in cold climes so need extra protection when temperatures drop. I also apply peanut oil to my feet each morning - around the sides, ball of foot and heel, and anywhere else necessary. According to the Cayce readings, peanut oil is very effective in keeping joints healthy and in preventing or slowing down conditions that might cripple. Not a cure, necessarily, it is a wonderful "lubricant." I have recommended peanut oil as a hand-lotion to many other people and they all have reported the same successes in its use as I have.
I never cease to be amazed at how simple and inexpensive maintaining good health and wellness is. Easy steps like those I have mentioned here can make a tremendous difference in how you feel and how well your body performs. Don't forget good nutrition, regular exercise, fresh air, supplements (vitamins/minerals), lots of prayer, laughter and fellowship, lending a helping hand when appropriate and where needed.
--Blessings, PMH