Creative Spirit Studios
Henry Reed, PhD

Also see Henry's New Course on Intuition
And "The Intuitive Heart" Discovery Group Process Mentorship Program
Henry Reed is a psychologist with a big heart. Not only are his books and classes on dreamwork among the best in the field, he co-facilitates a highly successful program on developing intuitive skills (or refining those you already have) held through the Association For Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.). He is now looking for people who want to become spiritual mentors. Mentorship programs like this one are invaluable training grounds - highly recommended for near-death experiencers and anyone else who has the dedication and desire to grow spiritually while assisting others in their own growth. Each one help one, as together we walk the sacred path of Holy Spirit. Because of the importance I place on this program of Spiritual Mentorship, I will carry Henry's announcement in full:
If you feel that you have some calling to help others, but don't want to go the way of getting a professional counselors degree or license, then you may be interested in learning about Atlantic University's program on becoming a Spiritual Mentor (see ) In this very successful and popular program, you develop specific skills to help other people learn to meditate, for example, or to work with their dreams, among other areas of personal development. Its offered on both a noncredit and credit basis, and in both a home study and live classroom format. For example, I work in the program teaching a course on Using Synchronicity and Divination in a Spiritual Mentorship (see ) and besides working over the phone with home study students, I have a live classroom version coming up this March 8-12, 2003, in Virginia Beach. These are fun courses and you learn a lot about helping others. If you have some interest in this program of study, get in touch!
Sincerely, Henry
PS: If you'd like to read some of the books in the area of helping others, but have limited time, you may enjoy our collection of book "digests" my students have prepared. They are freely available online at
PSS: The first sixty frames of a comic book that seeks to teach people about the positive use of psychic ability are now finished and available for viewing, free of charge. Henry Reed, Ph.D. and a wonderful artist in Japan have teamed together to create this wonderful surprise. Henry has written many books, writes a continuing series for "Venture Inward" magazine, and is one of the best teachers anywhere on "The Intuitive Heart" - the empathic side to psychism. I've seen this rendition to the ESP Comic Book, and I highly recommend it for older kids, teenagers, young adults of any age, and especially for near-death experiencers - who contend with often-confusing displays of psychic ability as part of the aftereffects of the near-death phenomenon. Access the English version at click "Next" and enjoy. (Set aside some time to see it, as there is more here than a quick-flip through picture frames.) PMH

Henry Reed, Ph.D.
Creative Spirit Studios Creative Spirit Studios Flying Goat Ranch 3777 Fox Creek Road Mouth of Wilson, VA 24363
Ph: (540) 579-2883

Henry Reed has taken 64 of his incredible mandala drawings and put them together in a book called "Revelations: A Mandala Facilitated Meditation on Higher Consciousness." Anything Dr. Reed does is always of exceptional quality and deep heart-centered intuitiveness. I've known him for several decades and have always been amazed with his art, his dreamwork journals, his many books and papers on the intuitive heart, the retreats and travels he offers to those who wish to participate, his talks, and so forth. There seems to be nothing this enlightened psychologist cannot do, including keeping track of news regarding intuition, holistic health, and the latest in scientific findings on spirituality, which he compiles into newsy pages that are published in the A.R.E. magazine, "Venture Inward."
His work and the many endeavors he facilitates are all of keen interest to people like near-death experiencers, who want to take that extra step into a more usable yet heart-centered approach to meditation, prayer, dreams, and inner-life processing. "Revelations" is truly a gem. You can order this special and unusual book directly from Dr. Reed, by accessing his website at, or by contacting him via the information underneath the photo of his new book's cover to the left. Pull up his second website for more information about his other activities and projects.
Also see Henry's New Course on Intuition
And "The Intuitive Heart" Discovery Group Process Mentorship Program
Henry Reed is a psychologist with a big heart. Not only are his books and classes on dreamwork among the best in the field, he co-facilitates a highly successful program on developing intuitive skills (or refining those you already have) held through the Association For Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.). He is now looking for people who want to become spiritual mentors. Mentorship programs like this one are invaluable training grounds - highly recommended for near-death experiencers and anyone else who has the dedication and desire to grow spiritually while assisting others in their own growth. Each one help one, as together we walk the sacred path of Holy Spirit. Because of the importance I place on this program of Spiritual Mentorship, I will carry Henry's announcement in full:
If you feel that you have some calling to help others, but don't want to go the way of getting a professional counselors degree or license, then you may be interested in learning about Atlantic University's program on becoming a Spiritual Mentor (see ) In this very successful and popular program, you develop specific skills to help other people learn to meditate, for example, or to work with their dreams, among other areas of personal development. Its offered on both a noncredit and credit basis, and in both a home study and live classroom format. For example, I work in the program teaching a course on Using Synchronicity and Divination in a Spiritual Mentorship (see ) and besides working over the phone with home study students, I have a live classroom version coming up this March 8-12, 2003, in Virginia Beach. These are fun courses and you learn a lot about helping others. If you have some interest in this program of study, get in touch!
Sincerely, Henry
PS: If you'd like to read some of the books in the area of helping others, but have limited time, you may enjoy our collection of book "digests" my students have prepared. They are freely available online at
PSS: The first sixty frames of a comic book that seeks to teach people about the positive use of psychic ability are now finished and available for viewing, free of charge. Henry Reed, Ph.D. and a wonderful artist in Japan have teamed together to create this wonderful surprise. Henry has written many books, writes a continuing series for "Venture Inward" magazine, and is one of the best teachers anywhere on "The Intuitive Heart" - the empathic side to psychism. I've seen this rendition to the ESP Comic Book, and I highly recommend it for older kids, teenagers, young adults of any age, and especially for near-death experiencers - who contend with often-confusing displays of psychic ability as part of the aftereffects of the near-death phenomenon. Access the English version at click "Next" and enjoy. (Set aside some time to see it, as there is more here than a quick-flip through picture frames.) PMH

Henry Reed, Ph.D.
Creative Spirit Studios Creative Spirit Studios Flying Goat Ranch 3777 Fox Creek Road Mouth of Wilson, VA 24363
Ph: (540) 579-2883

Henry Reed has taken 64 of his incredible mandala drawings and put them together in a book called "Revelations: A Mandala Facilitated Meditation on Higher Consciousness." Anything Dr. Reed does is always of exceptional quality and deep heart-centered intuitiveness. I've known him for several decades and have always been amazed with his art, his dreamwork journals, his many books and papers on the intuitive heart, the retreats and travels he offers to those who wish to participate, his talks, and so forth. There seems to be nothing this enlightened psychologist cannot do, including keeping track of news regarding intuition, holistic health, and the latest in scientific findings on spirituality, which he compiles into newsy pages that are published in the A.R.E. magazine, "Venture Inward."
His work and the many endeavors he facilitates are all of keen interest to people like near-death experiencers, who want to take that extra step into a more usable yet heart-centered approach to meditation, prayer, dreams, and inner-life processing. "Revelations" is truly a gem. You can order this special and unusual book directly from Dr. Reed, by accessing his website at, or by contacting him via the information underneath the photo of his new book's cover to the left. Pull up his second website for more information about his other activities and projects.
Special Note from Henry Reed:
This coming summer, August 19-24, 2007, about a dozen folks will join me in an attractive rural setting in Indiana to celebrate this coming consciousness by trying on for size some of the possibilities. If you are intrigued or interested, check out .