Politics of the Radical Middle

I've known Mark Satin since the late seventies. He was writing a different newsletter then, commentaries on politics, economic policy, fringe groups, and visionary leadership. The edition that I read sold me on this man's uniquely clear way of zeroing right in on what needed to be said and I become a subscriber. Soon afterward I purchased his first book, New Age Politics: Healing Self and Society (Delta Book, New York City, 1978). Whether he was attending a conference on Green politics, walking the halls of Congress, or keeping track of the feminist and human-potential movements, Mark seemed to possess the ability to see "through" what was being presented and uncover true value or lack of it. Rhetoric never fooled him. And I watched Mark face heavy issues, personal and public, with a type of sensitivity that tore at your heart and made you really think - sometimes take action.
Mark's skill as a political observer and commentator has not only matured over the years, but has sharpened - radically - keeping him ever on the cutting edge of new thought and new movements and an ever-growing demand for another brand of politics. He marked that growing demand correctly.....as coming from the "radical middle." If you haven't read the book, The Cultural Creatives: How Fifty Million People are Changing the World, you need to. It is by Paul H. Ray and Sherry Ruth Anderson (Harmony Books, New York City, 2000). Ray is a statistician/poll taker, and he discovered that another political segment to society is now alive and well and confounding experts with how fast it is growing. Paul called this new political force "Cultural Creatives" (I discussed this new "voice" in America in both my books on child experiencers of near-death states: Children of the New Millennium and The New Children and Near-Death Experiences.)
Mark Satin has ceased publication of his newsletter. The last edition of "Radical Middle" came out during year's end. It was "a keeper," a magnificent way to end a long career of political commentary that was exceptionally fresh, honest, and provocative. I count myself lucky to have been one of his supportors. Mark plans as an encore to write several more books. You may be certain that once his books are available, I will make the announcement.
Book Review--
"Radical Middle: The Politics We Need Now" by Mark Satin. Due out March, 2004 through Westview, Boulder, CO.
Don't vote in the November 2004 election until after you have read this book!! There has never been a time any of us can remember when politics was so important, our nation so divided. Neither the left nor the right, Democrats nor Republicans, offer what the majority of us want. And the majority of us have been singled out by pollsters as the "cultural creatives" - those who hunger for real solutions to our biggest problems without losing touch with reality's harsh facts. We model more after Benjamin Franklin, than New Age illusionists or antiglobalists. The agenda we aspire to, the nuts and bolts of what defines the radical middle, are distilled and explained in Mark Satin's book.
I am putting my voice behind this book today, even though it is not due out until May 2004, for this reason: advance orders signal publishers to print larger runs and do more with publicity. Please, go to your favorite bookstore and put in an advance order for "Radical Middle: The Politics We Need Now." You will not be sorry. This book, not the tirades of movie stars and radio talk show hosts, has the information we have all been waiting for. Politicians beware. The majority in the United States of America are moving, millions strong, toward the radical middle. - beyond the din of the empty and false promises of demo-publicans. Our numbers will ensure we are heard!