Seattle Friends of IANDS
In the Marketplace
Service | Video
Kimberly Clark Sharp, President
Seattle Friends of IANDS
is the oldest continuously-running near-death group, and the largest, operating under the banner of the International Association For Near-Death Studies (IANDS). They have a speaker each month and are open to the public. After her near-death experience, Kimberly Clark Sharp co-founded the group and later became its President. Today, production is handled by a team of volunteers - Greg Wilson is in charge of the website and e-mail. They publish a small newsletter that features a different experience each time. Donations for this are appreciated to cover paper, printing, and mailing costs. Consider yourself welcome at any of their events.
Kimberly Clark Sharp, their President, has become a popular speaker with her own story to tell - about the minutes after her heart suddenly stopped and she lay on the sidewalk, not breathing and without a pulse. Swept into a peaceful, loving place of brilliant golden light and warm comfort, she saw, for the first time, the meaning of life - and death. She went on to write the book, AFTER THE LIGHT: WHAT I DISCOVERED ON THE OTHER SIDE OF LIFE THAT CAN CHANGE YOUR WORLD. I've read it, and it's really great.
Filmed at the Pacific Northwest Conference of the International Association For Near-Death Studies (IANDS),
Video of Conference Talks
“Transcending The Limits: The Near-Death Experience”|
is one hour and 45-minutes long. It is a compilation of compelling highlights distilled from two days of conference presentations. Featured are: Kenneth Ring, Ph.D., noted researcher and author of "HEADING TOWARD OMEGA;" Melvin Morse, M.D., ground-breaker with children's near-death experiences and author of "CLOSER TO THE LIGHT;" Kimberly Clark Sharp, M.S.W., experiencer and President of Seattle IANDS, author of "AFTER THE LIGHT;" and Nancy Evans Bush, M.A., pastoral counselor, former President of the International Association For Near-Death Studies, and researcher of distressing or frightening near-death experiences. Contact Seattle IANDS directly to obtain a copy.
Seattle IANDS
P.O. Box 84333
Seattle, WA 98124
(206) 525-5489
Website: |