When Ego Dies
A book about near-death and mystical conversion experiences of people in the Houston, Texas Friends of IANDS Chapter.

Emerald Ink Publishing |
7141 Office City Drive
Suite 220
Houston, TX 77087-372
Learn how medical professionals ignore spiritual experiences |
Hear different people tell varied experiences |
Learn how to talk about death and dying to other people |
Learn respect for other people's beliefs |
Find out where NDE support groups meet |
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"Sometimes experiencers think they have been given a job to accomplish on earth but they can't remember what it was. When their stories are told in groups the sincerity is palpable and the effects are very healing on even the non-experiencers in the group." |
P.M.H. Atwater
, author of Beyond the Light: What Isn't Being Said About the Near-Death Experience
"This book is all about sharing and giving. Some people have been reliving their NDE over and over but some have been unable to talk about it, and finally they share their experiences here. This book is about not feeling alone; it is about giving information, time and suggestions on how to find other people who understand their experiences and how to follow their new perceptions of their world and their new paths in life." |
Diane K. Corcoran, RN, Ph.D., 1st Vice-President International Association of Near-Death Studies
From Emerald Ink Publishing.
For information, contact them directly
...or phone 1-800-324-5663.
Tags: NDE, Mystical Conversion