Healing Music
In the MarketplaceMusic
Diane Willis

"Improvisations From The Other Side" by Diane WIllis and John Fish is quite a surprise. I say this because it is so good, so refreshing, so mystical that it ranks way "up there" with the best of Native American flute pieces and talented artists. Diane, I knew you were good but I didn't know you were THAT good.
This is one of my favorite CDs and I play it often. Highly recommended!
This is one of my favorite CDs and I play it often. Highly recommended!
price: $15.97
plus $1.50 First Class
USA shipping = $17.47
(25% goes to Chicago IANDS)
Send Check or money order to:
Chicago IANDS
1187 Wilmette Ave. #14
Wilmette, IL 60091
To order:
Phone: 847.251.5758
Email: docflute@aol.com
Web: www.dianewillis.com
Credit Card purchases can be made at:
(Sound clips can also be heard on cdbaby.com)