In the MarketplaceProducts
The Cymascope App for iPhone, iPad, or Android

Sonic Age America, LLC
P. O. Box 19
Hope, ID 83836
(208) 264-0171
John Stuart Reid
Steven Halpern once said: “Sound is a carrier wave of consciousness.” The team at Sonic Age of America took Halpern seriously, and then carried that truth even further. They invented CymaScope with the goal of making sound visible. Of their many projects, I am the most familiar with what they did in Portland, Oregon. They created an art installation at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral that connects light and dark in a new instrument form and media that cannot be hung on walls nor placed on pedestals. Entitled “Cauldron,” the unique imagery is projected onto a six-foot diameter circular pond of water infused with white dye. While the resulting complex patterns appear as if they are computer generated, they are purely the result of the musical frequencies made visible in the CymaScope’s water-filled visualizing cell.

Now, they’ve done it again – come out with something else new and exciting – for all of us. They’ve created a CymaScope app. This new type of scientific instrument makes sound visible by imprinting its vibrations onto the surface and subsurface of pure water. It’s a precision-engineered instrument - but in their app created for Apple and Android platforms, you can trigger it with your voice, creating beautiful cymatic imagery. The imagery you will see IS NOT A COMPUTER SIMULATION. Watch the sound of music, the sound of your own voice, unfold on your i-Pad, iPhone, or Android phone or tablet. Be prepared to be amazed.

Watch a video demonstration of the app here:
Read more about the CymaScope on their home page: