The Human Journey and Mandalas, Vision of Heaven and Earth
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The video "From Atom to Cosmos: Special Edition" can be ordered directly (Item #K466) from the UFOTV - DVD Catalog,
2321 Abbot Kinney Blvd.,
Venice, CA 90291;
"The Human Journey"
"Mandalas, Vision of Heaven and Earth"
Mirtala's two videos are of unusual quality and feature her transformational sculptures shown in such a manner that the visuals and the music combine as if a meditation on life's greatest truths. Highly recommended for hospice, as well as near-death experiencers, and the general public. "The Human Journey" is 25 minutes; "Mandalas," 22 minutes. Order direct. Mirtala also has books of her poetry, miniature sculptures (like the one shown on the left), and a number of pendants in either bronze or silver (one of them pictured below). Also available is a video "From Atom to Cosmos," which details the work of her late husband, Itzhak Bentov, the author of "Stalking the Wild Pendulum: On the Mechanics of Consciousness." Her videos, books, jewelry, and sculptures are now available from Mirtala directly, e-mail her at
Announcing two new books by Mirtala!