Penny Price Media

Four Special Videos
on the Near-Death Phenomenon
Penny Price is ahead of her time, and has a rare sensitivity to videos and documentaries on subjects addressing spirituality and the transformation of consciousness. I first met her when I appeared on the Geraldo TV Talk Show, and whe was the director of programs. This was back in the eighties, and I've never forgotten her kindness.
Having won top awards for her documentaries, she has decided to open up a video "store" via her simple catalogue (just a few sheets of paper listing what is available). She has workded to keep prices low enough, that anyone can purchase her fine videos. Note those featured here: "A Message of Hope" (with doctors Raymond Moody, Jr., Taylor Bach, and Scott Quimby), "Dannion Brinkley's Story" (as seen in the 'movie of the week' on TV), "To The Tunnel and Beyond" (Dr. Raymond Moody, Jr.), and "Into The LIght" (with Bruce Greyson, M.D., Ph.D.)
I would also urge you to consider her fine documentary on "Labyrinths: Their Mystery and Magic." New is the video, 'Splendors of the Spirit' (an engrossing exploration of our immortality through the eyes of a genuine seer Swedenborg) .Contact her company directly to obtain video listings.
(845) 876-0239
Fax: (845)876-0260