Angel Paintings
In the MarketplaceArt
Gwen Mangum

The Art of Gwen Mangum
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"I'm an NDEr twice over - the first was during my birth (an emergency c-section that was revealed during a hypnotic regression), and the second during an allergic reaction when I was 25. The first one was confirmed by my mother, and the second one gave me a lot of answers and renewed purpose. . . it completely changed my life. Basically, I remember Heaven and miss Home daily, but know that there is a purpose for me being here. My children are number one! The AngelWork project has woven itself into my life seamlessly. I have four kids I'm home schooling, two big muddy German Shepherds, and all that goes with raising a family. Then there are the Angel paintings. . . they are painted on my kitchen counter inquiet moments -they just seem to create themselves - even when I'm in the middle of algebra lessons." The art of Gwen Mangum is indeed inspired. She produces Angel Journals, Angel Notecards, and Guardian Angel Paintings (she's done over 300 of them). Her Angel Notecards are in three categories - AngelWork, Praying with Angels, and Blessed Angels in Action. These notecards and are perfect for use as meditative tools for personal guidance and upliftment. Her work can either be e-mailed or "snail-mailed" via regular post. Inquire as to costs, shipping and handling. ...Or visit | to order online.

Copyright 2002 Gwen Magnum |