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Spiritual Mentoring
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Counseling and Human Resources Consulting, P.C.
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The Peaceroom
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Healing Oils
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This photo was taken a
while ago off the coast
of Connecticut.
Elizabeth Lynn is one of the
near-death experiencers
mentioned in Atwater's
book, Beyond the Light.
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Holistic/Spiritual Healer
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Steve Anderson

Retired Navy Nurse Commander
Certified Healing
Touch Practitioner
and Instructor
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Retired Navy Nurse Commander
Certified Healing
Touch Practitioner
and Instructor
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International Education and Resource Network USA
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The largest,
most experienced,
online K-12 network in the world.
iEARN enables young people to use the Internet and other new technologies to engage in collaborative educational projects. These projects both enhance learning and address issues of global importance.
The School of Spiritual Psychology
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Screenplays & Earth Sculpture
In the MarketplaceArt
Jeffrey Spender Wickstrom
Jeffrey Spender Wickstrom, directing An Audition with Jeff Olson as a past-life character in his Utah Trilogy, FAR TRAVELLERS, in which reincarnation is the hook for the time travel, a way in which we may all be time travelers!
When Ego Dies
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A book about near-death and mystical conversion experiences of people in the Houston, Texas Friends of IANDS Chapter.
Shadows: Part I, Perceptions of Near-Death Experience
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Round Trip: The Near-Death Experience" "Round Trip: The Near-Death Experience" "Round Trip: The Near-Death Experience
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Mereon/Ethical Social Principles
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Lynnclaire Dennis

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