Mereon/Ethical Social Principles

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Mereon/Ethical Social Principles
Both the title of a book The Pattern and the name of an object she saw in her near-death experience, Dennis shares a candid description of "life in the fast lane" before she encountered death in a hot-air balloon flying much too high for safety. Her determination to identify and explore "The Pattern" she saw, has led her to believe that it is a matrix that can lead to personal and global healing. After working with a number of scientists on this, an animated program on the geometry of "The Pattern" is now available for viewing on her website. Her book, by the way, can only be found via her website and is no longer in stores.
From the geometry of Lynnclaire's unusual near-death experience has evolved with is called "Mereon" principles and practices. Mereon, the geometric figures she saw in death, have been investigated by various scientists and physicists, leading to the discovery that the figures are a dynamic geometry of light that can be used as a template to show how differences on any level can be unified. This crosses the boundaries of art and science, of education and behavior.Mereon Principles are now used as a model of ethical social practices. TeamPlay is an outgrowth of the Mereon Principles, and is designed to help businesses and corporations increase the flow of benefits, productivity, and sustainability in an organization, while operating in an ethical manner. Workshops and classes in TeamPlay are held worldwide.In 2006 Lynnclaire was nominated to receive a special Danish award for her work. The Mereon Institute is now being established... especially designed for educators, to help combat the alarming statistic that 80% of all newly trained teachers quit for good after the first year of teaching in schools. Lynnclaire has taken what she was given in death, and is now using it to make the world a better place. She deserves our congratulations and support.
Unity through diversity: the path towards making a positive difference Active Today:
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The Mereon Legacy CIC, The Pavement, 3 Pavement House, Hay-on-Wye, Herefordshire HR3 5BU United Kingdom, Company Number: 08822921, VAT Registration Number: 182 4386 92