Hospice and Near-Death Counselor

11322 Rickey Lane
Fort Wayne, IN 46845
(260) 637-1705
National Speaker on Hospice, Grief Work, and Near-Death Experiences
E-mail - pratherken@yahoo.com
Website - http://www.reachingforjoy.org
Ken Prather
How does one describe an angel-worker and spirit shaman like Ken Prather? Let me begin by stating that in 1998 he was attacked by five men with baseball bats. No reason could be found for this brutal attack. Afterward, Ken spent 32 days on life support, three months in the hospital, and three years in a nursing home. No one expected him to live. No one expected him to move again, to be able to stand, walk, think and speak correctly, or have a productive life. He defied the odds, he said, because of his near-death experience and what he learned while on the Other Side.
He began a facility he called "Reaching For Joy," because that is what he wanted to do, to reach out to others who were disabled or dying, people who were lost souls and had no place to go, so they could be helped, have a place, have a home. Since then, Reaching For Joy has become quite an organization that does many things.
As Ken puts it: "Reaching For Joy is not only about people helping others, but showing that by helping you are mostly helping yourself grow and mature, and realize that our purpose on earth is to share with others. Reaching For Joy has become internationally known, and with the help of our local Zoo and other volunteers we are now taking Zoo critters up to our local Children's Hospital to visit sick children and their parents who are with them. We even, upon request, make visits in their rooms. Let it be known that Reaching For Joy is a volunteer program, with volunteers working the program."
"There has also been a sixth program added to Reaching For Joy, and it is titled The Children's Silver Bell Express. This program's website can be reached by going to my website, and going to the links page. It has been started by some people who live all over the U.S.A. and Canada. These people are donating toys and gifts to Reaching For Joy, to be delivered on Christmas Eve to the Lutheran Children's Hospital to very sick children. These gifts will also be taken to a shelter for neglected and abused babies and children. So what a better way to spend Christmas Eve, than riding the Silver Bell Express, and Reaching For Joy."
In 2007, Ken started a new program called “A DAY AWAY.” Here’s how it works: “I make a day of respite come true for a terminally ill child and their families by sending them to the local Zoo, a wildlife refuge, or a horseback riding farm. So many of these young children can’t make long trips because of their condition, energy, medications or a combination of all three. So this gives them an option to stay close to home. Just this Summer alone I made a day of respite come true for over 15 children and their families. I already have a waiting list for this coming Spring when the weather breaks. This program entirely runs off of donations - so that makes it even more special.”
Ken "journeys" with the terminally ill. He is a grief and bereavement counselor, alcohol and drug abuse counselor, and has become quite an expert with pet therapy, animal and zoo education, and touch therapy. Ken has become a prolific poet and regularly sponsors gatherings of near-death experiencers and others interested in the phenomenon (through IANDS).
Yes, the man travels, gives talks, teaches, ever reaching out in joy to others in need. He's a man of great wisdom and compassion who gives of his soul. Should you want to sponsor him to come to your area, contact him directly. His story about dying and being reborn is stirring, his therapy sessions and group counseling abilities are spiritually based. He is most interested in helping others start Reaching For Joy centers in their area, and would be most happy to share how this can be done.