Spiritual Guide and Teacher
In the MarketplaceService

Rev. Marilyn L. Redmond, BA, CHT, IBRT
2914 – 108th Avenue East
Edgewood, WA 98372
(253) 845-4907
Marilyn had a near-death experience as a very young child. It kept her alive. Over the years that followed she survived domestic abuse, a dozen life-threatening events, healed nine addictions, and was declared sane by her psychiatrist. No joke. This woman’s been through “the mill” in a life that continually challenged everything she knew to be true. As with most near-death experiencers, “downloads” continued for her afterward. What I mean by “downloads” is that information and revelations from the Other Side can continue to occur for experiencers long after the phenomenon is over. This is especially true for Marilyn.
She wrote a book entitled Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You. “I became fearless and moved out of hell and into Christ Consciousness. By sharing my story I hope to empower all my clients, students, and readers to seek their healing, using the gifts within, and the pure grace of God’s Love.” She says her wisdom comes directly from her Spirit Guides and angels in the various readings, writing, and teaching that she does. Yup, this woman in now an Award Winning Writer, Speaker, Consultant, Columnist (she has a blog and a newsletter), Counselor, and Psychic/Medium.

Should you wish to take advantage of any of her offerings, feel free to contact her and discuss further whatever you may want or need. “None of my work would have been possible without my near-death experience, as it introduced me ‘visually’ to the five angels, Archangels, masters, and guides I work with. They pour the information through me for my writing, counseling, art, channeling, and other abilities.”