The Website of PMH AtwaterOne of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!

One of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon!

Roxane/Tacheene - "A Melding of Souls"

Occasionally I come across a case that is truly different, yet credible. We must all realize that not all near-death episodes follow the so-called "classical model." Some deviate markedly, introducing individuals and those who learn about the episode, to the realization that there are lifestyles, ways to live, ways to experience "self" and "others," that run counter to what we are taught is normal or even real. My own childhood was filled with odd and unique "beings" that physically manifested when appropriate, taught me how to survive and thrive while opening up new worlds for me, new truths. Because of this early training (and much more since), I have a sense about things and am able to "look and see."
Roxane had a near-death experience that impacted her greatly. During her episode, she melded (joined with) another soul. This melding, or joining with, enabled her to survive. I cannot comment on any psychological profile here, but I can say that, to the best of my knowledge, this is not a case of mediumship or that of an altered or multiple personality, or even of a so-called "walk-in." It is a melding of minds that occurs when occasions arise. (Yes, this "melding" is somewhat like what Spock was able to do on "Star Trek" when he sought to gain specific information from someone who either could not or would not access needed thoughts/memories.) The melding was with a soul named Wolf (in the Native American Tradition). Wolf functions a lot like a guide.
There are many cultures that address deep transformational changes like what Roxane went through, and in that recognition encourage the individual to take on a new name. The new name represents a new level of knowing and living. After her experience, Roxane then became Tacheene. Like the majority of near-death experiencers throughout the world, you will notice how she connects with a greater mission for this time in our earth's history, a time when so many people are talking about the Mayan Calendar and a "blizzard" of prophecies that take on "life" on a regular basis. For all of these factors and more, I think you will find Roxane/Tacheene's story most fascinating.

Mellen-Thomas Benedict- "Through the Light"

Mellen-Thomas Benedict's case is part of my original near-death research; a brief version of it appears in my book, BEYOND THE LIGHT. I can attest that his case is genuine and his claims about the brain tumor and the conditions of his death are true. I have met his mother and step-father, been in his and their homes, and have followed his life since - his struggles and his accomplishments - as he sought to find a way to integrate his experience into his daily life while still honoring the mission he feltžguided to fulfill. What you are about to read has a hint of mystery to it, and this is the mystery: this version of his story (which reads like an article) is actually a transcription of a tape made of ažtalk hežgavežabout a decade ago. Whoever did the transcription then put the story on the Internet for free distribution. Five different people sent it to me, so I contactedžMellen-Thomas to discuss the situation. He and I both felt it was as if the Universe, his soul, God, was saying to him. . . "It's time now to open up and share your story. You have something to say that needs to be heard." Whoever put his material on the Internet did the man a favor, actually, did all of us a favor,žand not just because his is such an interesting case (it truly is) - but because ofžhow he has matured since and what he has learned.

--Dr. P.M.H.Atwater
NDE Cases